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Happy MLK 2023 🇺🇸

by : Grand Poobah Ender DeWokeness

‘Too much of a good thing sucks.’

Who said that? Why me, and prolly many other smart cats. let me put it another way, I’ll use bigger words.
When the pendulum swings too far one way it swings back all the more the other. When MLK gave his Been to the Mountaintop speech he plainly tells you the topic is stay awake not get all woke.

In this speech he discusses a triple revolution.

  • A technological one. In progress ✅
  • One of social justice In progress✅*️⃣
  • and one on poverty ? Is this really possible? wasn’t it said ‘the poor will always be with you’. like 3 times. Don’t like The Good Book? Has any other country achieved this.

Equity is not equality. I’m pretty sure he wasn’t envisioning the standards of education lowered but made the same through out the land by raising the lower of the two sides. He discusses ‘time’ as the excuse of the privileged. I say a lot has changed in America since 1968 Are we there yet? No. Have we made great strides? Yes. If you want more change you have to work for it. Reminds me of my buddy’s old Pontiac Sunfire. It had a broken door handle. We get where we were going and he’d say ‘You got to reach out to get out’. Naturally you’d think he was saying something deep. But I digress. Basically I hate the division. There shouldn’t be a Left & Right there should just be one 🇺🇸. This Harvard Op Ed explains it better.

*️⃣ On RACISM in 🇺🇸. Of course the 500 lbs 🐘 in the room. You need to look at life here with the a world view. This country is doing much much better than say north Africa. Oh but what about slavery? What about it? The last world government to outlaw slavery was Chad 🇹🇩 and that was in 2017 and only on paper 📰. Slavery still exists. I say make what you can of your life. Be proud of your country . People from all over the world are fighting and worse to be here, to call the US home.