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ChestMilk vs. BreastMilk = WTF

☎️ call the la leche league Estados Unidos se ha vuelto loco Estados Unidos se ha vuelto loco When do we start 🫷🏻pushing🫸 back?

Tesla strikes in theUS Sweden does too, the inter web laughs at Elon, he has a bad day profit? Not Tesla stock holders , SA a sama (Indonesian same old shit) or are you still doing hair I clocked you out 30 minutes ago

No meme alt—>right in EU——

Tesla strikes in the 🇺🇸 strikes 🇸🇪 does too, the interweb laughs at Elon, he has a bad day profit? Not Tesla stock holders , sama sama (Indonesian same 💩 different day) Hey you learned something. Why are you still here I clocked you out 30 minutes ago